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Author: Bill Cushard

A Simple Guide to Write Quiz Questions for Web Based Training Courses

A Simple Guide to Write Quiz Questions for Web Based Training Courses

There you are, sitting at your desk, trying to finish your eLearning course. You only have one more thing to do before it gets reviewed. Write a few quiz questions. The problem is that you are stuck. You don’t know where to start, so you scroll through each page of your course looking for questions... Read more →

More E-Learning Needed to Improve Sales Enablement Efforts

More E-Learning Needed to Improve Sales Enablement Efforts

According to ASTD, companies spend $15 billion per year on sales training, an enormous number when you consider that people do not find sales training very effective. If organizations are spending this kind of money on largely ineffective training, there is a lot of value in figuring out ways to improve sales enablement efforts and... Read more →

Two Common Visual Design Mistakes in Online Training

Two Common Visual Design Mistakes in Online Training

When I talk about visual design in online training, I talk about simple things a designer can do to lay out a slide so that it makes the most of evidenced-based instructional design techniques that maximize learning. I am not a huge stickler for visual design in online training. The reason might be because I... Read more →

Why Online Training is Replacing Traditional Training

Why Online Training is Replacing Traditional Training

Online training has grown in popularity over the past decade due in large part to the ease with which learning professionals can develop and deliver online training. Rapid eLearning authoring tools and web-based learning management systems have fueled this ease, and as more companies are dispersed in multiple offices, classroom training has become an expensive... Read more →

How to Determine Your Online Training Budget

How to Determine Your Online Training Budget

As companies build a training department, there are many questions that come up. What training role should we hire first? Should we start with live training or online training? What learning technology should we choose? How much should we invest in the overall training function? How much of the investment should be spent on the... Read more →

Adding Animated Video to Online Training is Easier Than You Think

Adding Animated Video to Online Training is Easier Than You Think

If we all could, we would love to use more video in our online training courses. Most of us wish we had a nice studio, great recording equipment, and a team of production experts standing by to produce videos for all of our courses. Sadly, we rarely have the budgets to support such operations, even... Read more →

5 Ways to Make Online Training More Engaging

5 Ways to Make Online Training More Engaging

Online training designers are not the only ones constantly searching for ways to create more engaging content. Journalists, copywriters, and authors, to name only a few others, must create content that people want to read. No matter your profession, if you create content, the ultimate goal is to create something that provides value. Read more →

How Online Training is Better than YouTube

How Online Training is Better than YouTube

Leaders of training departments receive training requests continuously, and it is their job to respond to these requests with solutions after a proper analysis. Solutions can come in many forms, from formal multi-day classroom training to online training to telling people to watch a YouTube video. YouTube has certainly enabled an enormous variety of learning... Read more →

Is Your Online Training Working? Here's How to Tell

Is Your Online Training Working? Here's How to Tell

There are many reasons to start developing online training. For one, your audience can take the training whenever they want. For another, you can deliver training to anyone in the world. So, all of your employees who work in six different offices can complete the same training course. But if you dive into online training,... Read more →

6 TED Talks That Anyone Designing Online Training Should Watch

6 TED Talks That Anyone Designing Online Training Should Watch

We all know that TED Talks are educational and inspiring, and most of us have watched them from time-to-time for general entertainment and inspirational purposes. However, as I watched one of these videos just the other day, I realized there are lessons that can be found about designing online training from talks related to design... Read more →

Who is Trakstar?

Trakstar is a multi-product HR software provider helping organizations put the people back in people management. Develop and align your staff through better recruiting and applicant tracking, performance management, and learning management. For a more integrated solution to talent management, check out our website and request a live demonstration today.