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There are now dozens of different types of Learning Management System, or LMS, used by organizations to manage e-learning and deliver course materials to employees. And while these systems typically share a common purpose — to manage and administer a curriculum to a large and sometimes scattered workforce — the individual features of each of Read more →
When I speak with my peers in the field of organizational learning and performance, either in person or virtually, I’m always amazed at the amount of time we spend discussing, debating, and examining the language of our profession. Language is a fascinating thing: It’s how we communicate our thoughts and develop relationships, but used ineffectively Read more →
The first-ever moving picture, shot in 1878, was intended to answer a pretty simple-sounding question: How do horses move their legs when they run? Before the advent of the moving picture, it wasn’t known. But string several frames together in quick succession, and voila! The answer becomes clear. Read more →
Continuous professional development is a critical part of a trainer’s work. We often think of it from the perspective of our learners, but need to think of it from our personal perspective as well.I think of this now as I prepare to attend the ASTD International Conference and Exposition next week in Denver. Conferences are Read more →
Many organizations looking to add more e-learning elements to their company training programs get stuck choosing between two similar-sounding, but ultimately different, systems: Learning Management Systems (LMS) and Learning Content Management Systems (LCMS). There are a number of similarities between the two, and recently many software packages have blurred the differences between them. However, there are... Read more →
Blended learning is a term increasingly used to describe the way e-learning is being combined with traditional classroom methods and independent study to create a new, hybrid teaching methodology. It represents a much greater change in basic technique than simply adding computers to classrooms; it represents, in many cases, a fundamental change in the way Read more →
Testing employees on their comprehension of online training and e-learning materials is often thought of as something of a necessary evil. I mean, nobody especially likes taking a test, right? But by spending a little extra time thinking about why and how they're designing a pre- or post-training quiz, designers can transform what was once... Read more →
Social Learning is a term that is rapidly spreading throughout the learning and performance field. It’s also a phrase that is on the verge of being completely perverted by the same community. Read more →
I’ve worked as a training director in two companies. In my previous role, I managed a group of 13 trainers and instructional designers. But in my current role, I am what many would call a “department of one”. Read more →
You’re probably familiar with Angry Birds, the massively popular iPhone game. What is it about this game that’s so addictive? And how can learning and development pros tap into that stickiness to get people this excited about training programs? Read more →
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Trakstar is a multi-product HR software provider helping organizations put the people back in people management. Develop and align your staff through better recruiting and applicant tracking, performance management, and learning management. For a more integrated solution to talent management, check out our website and request a live demonstration today.