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10 Inspiring Videos about Customer Service

— by Keisha Stoute

Customers make the world go round. If you haven’t figured it out by now then you’re behind the eight ball. Businesses are being challenged to give customers what they want, when they want. And, if one company doesn’t meet their needs, customers are passing the almighty dollar to another more worthy vendor.

So what does a good service experience look like? How can you create a great customer experience? How do you stand out from your competition? Check out these informative and inspiring videos about customer service to learn how a few small changes can make big impact in the way of pleasing your customers.


1. Leadership Speaker Ross Shafer: What Customers Expect From You…TODAY

What Customers Need From You Today - Ross Shafer Still-1

In this video, Ross Shafer explains what true customer service looks like. He tells the story of a woman who has a passion for creating a positive experience; and is determined to make a customer feel happy and satisfied. She went out of her way to create a memorable customer experience. Her effort translated into a great testimonial for the Marriott brand. Never forget that the actions of just one employee can represent your entire company’s brand.


2. The Three C’s of Customer Satisfaction by Execast

Customer service is now the most important factor when deciding to do business with a company. This is an animated video with great visuals and stats that explains why good service experiences matter. It also gives you insights on the 3 C’s of Customer Satisfaction according to a recent McKinsey study.

3. Customer Experience Matters – Temkin Group

Customer Experience Matters - Temkin Group Video

Getting new customers is quite the challenge, but keeping them takes even more effort. Did you know that 39% of customers take their money elsewhere after just one bad experience? This video provides insights on why your customer’s experience matters. It also offers statistics and shares a few tips.


4. What is Customer Experience – Temkin Group

What is Customer Experience? (Temkin Group)
Customer experience is the perception that customers have when interacting with your organization. It’s what they think of when they think of your brand. This video provides an overview on customer experiences. It offers a definition and explanation of elements that are required to create a great experience for your customers.


5. Hallmark Business Connections: Creating An Unmatched Customer Experience

Creating An Unmatched Customer Experience - Hallmark Business Connections
Hallmark Business Connections offers advice on how to implement a memorable customer experience. The video covers 3 Ms – Meaningful, Memorable, & Measurable – that organizations need if they want to deliver matchless experiences for their customers and also stand out from competitors.


6. Jan Guannarsson: Tedx Talk – Hostmanship: The Art of Making People Feel Welcome

Jan Gunnarsson - Hostmanship: the art of making people feel welcome - Tedx Talks

Jan Gunnarsson gives a refreshing spin on quality service and leadership. He delves into the importance of making customers feel human and also feel welcome. He covers the importance of starting with employees first, then allowing that culture to permeate the customer experience as well. Authenticity is one very important part of making meaningful connections and those connections are the makings of great experiences.


7. Tony Hsieh- The Zappos Brand & Customer Service: Motivational Speaker & Author

Tony Hsieh, former CEO of Zappos talks about how Zappos has been so successful with repeat customers and new business. He reminds listeners to never forget the old school approach of communication – the telephone. A good phone experience can make all the difference in helping build loyal customers. He also walks us through how Zappos trains their employees about how to deliver the right experience for every customer.


8. Shep Hyken – How to Provide a Better Customer Experience

Shep Hyken - Customer Service Expert: How to Provide a Better Customer Experience
Shep talks about going the extra mile for customers and mentions that there are no traffic jams along the extra mile. He encourages viewers to take extra steps to make the customer happy, which in turn improves the customer’s experience. This simply means doing a little more than expected. Shep tells viewers that a small step can yield great dividends when it comes to customer satisfaction.


9. Customer CEO: The Greatest Customer Service Story Ever Told

This video helps viewers understand the power of using technology in your efforts to woo and keep customers. It offers a basic explanation on how a simple request can make a positive and longstanding impact on your business and to future customers. There is also a great story about a customer experience where Morton Steakhouse exceded expectations (outside of the restaurant walls). It’s an awesome example of how a small gesture can go a long way!


10. The Best Service Recovery Story Ever!

The Best Service Recovery Story... Ever! - Jon Picoult
Jon Picoult tells his story on service recovery and gives an illustration. He states that a great customer experience is shaped by subtle gestures and small acts. He also gives advice on how to recover from a bad service experience.

Improve Your Customer Experience

These videos offer great ideas and inspiration for how you can improve your customer experience. One other consideration when it comes to creating great consumer experiences is the ability to offer customers consistent and repeatable results. With proper training, anyone can create memorable customer experiences that leave a positive impression on your customers. And, we already know that a positive brand experience translates to more $$$ for your business. Take these tips and create a customer experience strategy that works best for your business.

Keisha Stoute is a content curator with 11 years of business experience in a number of industries. She is also an adjunct professor, empowerment writer, well respected professional mediator and principal trainer at Stoute Communications.

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