Learn more about how the Trakstar platform is revolutionizing talent management through integrated, flexible solutions.
— by Gauri Reyes
Employee trainingLearning developmentUncategorizedCHALLENGE: Can you create an online training course in less than a day?
EXTRA CREDIT: Can every single person on your team, or in your organization, create an online training course in less than a day?
Before you decide whether or not to take on the challenge, consider this question: Why should I even bother?
Here are seven reasons why you may want to consider accepting the challenge.
#1 Figure Out How to Use Your Authoring Tool(s), and Move On
This challenge will rapidly bring you up to speed on your elearning authoring tool and/or LMS. Expand the challenge across multiple people on your team or across your organization, and collectively you’ll learn the nuances of your tools. Learn how to upload documents, video, or audio. Or how to send email invitations, create quizzes and track learning statistics. Or how to integrate social media into online training. And, then move your focus to figuring out how and when training can solve business needs.
#2 Reuse or Repurpose Valuable Content
Use this challenge as an excuse to review the content that you already have. Find material (text, audio, video, graphics, PowerPoint, recorded webinars, etc.) that you can reuse or repurpose. This challenge is the perfect excuse to finally update outdated training material and breathe new life into your content.
#3 Bring A/B Testing Concepts to Learning
What if, through this challenge, two people end up creating online training courses on the same topic? Since each person spent less than a day (rather than weeks or months) developing the course, little time has been wasted. In fact, a unique testing opportunity has been created. Perhaps one course presents concepts in a logical, textual manner while the other presents the same concepts visually. Conduct an A/B test with your learners to which course is better received or increases learner retention. When possible, meld the best of both into one robust course.
#4 Discover the Value of Microlearning
If you want to author elearning content rapidly, consider employing microlearning techniques. Boil down macro-concepts into small learning “learning bursts” (typically two- to ten-minutes per learning burst) and create a nugget of must-know material. If each team member creates a microlearning module on different aspects of a macro-concept, you’ll have a series of courses each reduce into micro-concepts that can be accessed at the point-of-need.
#5 Increase Your Agility
Adapt agile software development techniques to learning development. Be process-light and learner-focused and hone in on what matters to your learners. Create and deploy relevant content quickly (less than a day, for this challenge). Test your content with your learners and make any necessary “course” corrections immediately. The point is to avoid developing a large, complex online training program which may end up becoming obsolete at the time of release or doesn’t end up meeting learner needs after all, and for which a “course” correction is too late and/or too expensive.
#6 Increase Knowledge-Centered Conversations
Having everyone on a team accept the challenge to create an online training course each in less than a day will cause co-workers to proactively converse on learning-centered topics. In this way, knowledge sharing begins before anyone actually enrolls in an online training course and will continue after the course has been completed—the basics for creating an organizational culture centered on learning.
#7 Involve Everyone in Teaching and Learning
Asking all team members to create an online training course involves everyone in teaching and learning. You may find new SMEs to tap for knowledge sharing or identify new business issues that can be solved with training. You can use this challenge as a unique way to bring new employees and inter-departmental hires up to speed or bridge the divide between managers and their reports. And, you can also gain a competitive advantage by involving partners and customers in the learning conversations, pulling them into your organization’s “inner circle”.
Be Creative with this Challenge
If you choose to accept this challenge, you will have a completed online course ready to go in less than a day. Better yet you’ll have a set of completed online courses, if your co-workers take the challenge too.
Assuming you’ve accepted this challenge, why not layer on an extra element to the challenge and create a unique online course. Meaning, don’t just create a course with a written or videotaped lecture followed by a quiz. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that time-tested course structure. But, why not use this challenge as an opportunity to experiment with online course structure and content?
Here a few examples of ways to experiment with online course content and structure:
Creating an online training course in less than a day can be an educational experience in and of itself. And, if you’re wondering how our Trakstar Learn example courses were created, here are the step-by-step procedures.
What might you and your team or organization learn by accepting the challenge?
Gauri Reyes is a talent developer and learning leader with extensive experience in roles ranging from software management to managing the learning function in organizations. She is Principal Learning Strategist and CEO at Triple Point Advisors and Founder of the YOUth LEAD program. Follow her on Twitter, LinkedIn or Google+.
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